Civic Kindergarten is a historic community sessional kindergarten, located in Middle Park. Civic prides itself on offering an EXCEEDING* rated, stimulating play based, child-focused educational program devised and implemented by tertiary educated early childhood teachers and co-educators.
Sessional kindergarten helps children develop social, emotional, cognitive and physical skills in the two years before they start school. Skills that are important to lifelong learning.
Civic Kindergarten offers two age group programs, each with set hours on set days during the school term;
- Three year old program for 8.5 hours per week with 20 places.
- Four year old program for 16 hours per week with 22 places
The structure of a sessional kindergarten includes daily routines around meal times, indoor and outdoor play that can help young children feel more ready to start school.
This structure allows the children to interact with their peers and team members providing children and families the opportunity to:
- build friendships
- foster the needs of each child
- create a sense of community
- interact with familiar children and team members
The team at Civic Kindergarten are passionate about our sessional kindergarten model and the positive impact the program has on the families and children in our community.
* Exceeding the NQS

Civic Kindergarten has been rated Exceeding the National Quality Standard, determining Civic go BEYOND the benchmark requirements of the National Quality Standard, issued by Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority. Link https://www.acecqa.gov.au/assessment/exceeding-nqs
Our statement of philosophy guides the decision-making around all teaching and engagement of children in the program.
Here at Civic Kindergarten we acknowledge the unique time of early childhood by providing a stimulating play-based and developmentally-appropriate educational program based on sound pedagogy (principles and practice) and research.
We know that children are motivated to learn when they feel good about themselves, confidently able to explore friendships, experiences and interests.
We encourage children to bring their unique interests to the program to extend and enrich their knowledge and understanding of their world.
We prefer the use of natural materials to further complement and enhance the indoor and outdoor learning spaces.
We value the environment and adopt sustainable practices to support children’s learning in this area.
We value each child as an individual and our planning for each child is guided by effective, collaborative and reflective practice principles.
Our curriculum is also guided by the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework:
Outcome 1: Children have a strong sense of identity
Outcome 2: Children are connected with and contribute to their world
Outcome 3: Children have a strong sense of well being
Outcome 4: Children are confident and involved learners
Outcome 5: Children are effective communicators.
We believe that positive interaction and sensitive, nurturing relationships are fundamental elements for all children to thrive and develop during their preschool years.
We are committed to Indigenous Australian’s cultural safety and the cultural and linguistically diverse cultural safety of children with a disability.
We include children with additional needs in our program and understand that early intervention is critical for successful outcomes for all children.
We acknowledge the critical importance of the partnership between families and staff in the children’s learning environment and we work towards positive and respectful relationships in order to provide the highest quality program for each child.
Staff are committed to providing a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment where predictable routines and positive encouragement support each child’s learning and development.
The Management Committee fully support the National Quality Framework and the continued professional development of each staff member in the interests of providing a high-quality children’s service.
Our Commitment to You
The early years are fundamental to a child’s emotional, cognitive and social development.
Here at Civic Kindergarten, we commit to:
- Providing a stimulating play-based and developmentally appropriate educational program based on sound principles and research.
- Motivating children to feel good about themselves, confidently able to explore friendships, experiences and interests.
- Encouraging children to bring their unique interests to the program to enrich their knowledge and understanding of their world.
- Using natural materials to further complement and enhance the indoor and outdoor learning spaces.
- Valuing each child as an individual.
The Importance Of Early Learning Education
Our service is guided by the National Quality Standards and The Victorian Early Years Learning Framework. These frameworks guide and shape the curriculum for all education and care services for children under the age of 12 in Australia.
Children’s neurological pathways multiply and develop faster in the first five years than at any other time in their life. The architecture of a child’s brain is shaped by high quality interactions with trusted adults and peers. The foundation of a strong relationship with educators is fundamental for future success.
Our educators understand the impact relationships have on a child’s learning journey and are committed to ongoing professional development to stay current in their knowledge of how best to plan a program for every child’s developing mind.
For a child, play and learning are interrelated and our team of educational professionals embrace this. Each day, interactive learning experiences for children are offered to explore concepts of literacy and numeracy (amongst other things) using their interests as a vehicle to learning
A holistic approach to your child’s development is prioritised through our focus on social and emotional well-being. Concepts such as confidence, resilience, developing friendships and self-care are embedded throughout the day and explored in small and large groups, as well as during spontaneous conversations with educators.
Information about the program, observations and stories about your child and their involvement in learning projects will be available to you via a number of different resources (refer to Communication section). This helps to keep you connected to your child’s learning journey and share in their wonder and joy as they explore and discover.
We invite and encourage parents and family members to schedule meeting times with their child’s teacher to discuss specific details about their child’s development.
Our Kindergarten Community
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Civic Team
Civic Kindergarten prides itself on offering a stimulating play based, child-centered educational program devised and implemented a tertiary educated early childhood teacher and educators.
Natalie Armany
Director, 4 YO Teacher & Educational Leader/Nominated Supervisor
Lisa Richardson
Early Childhood Educator: 3-year-old group
Carlene Ilgaz
Early Childhood Educator: 4-year-old group
Mellissa Price
Early Childhood Educator: 3 & 4-year-old group
Kathleen Brohier
Three Year Old Kindergarten Teacher
Civic Committee of Management
Civic Kindergarten is a community lead and run organisation with a Committee of Management responsible for the governance of the service. The voluntary Committee makes decisions in consultation with the Director/Kindergarten Teacher, Operations Manager and Educators so that the interests of both children and families are considered at all times. Committee meetings are held every 6 weeks with parent participation greatly welcomed.
There is a list of current members on the notice board in the foyer and included below.
A copy of the Committee of Management position descriptions can be viewed here.
[LINK http://civickinder.org.au/committee-position-descriptions-2023/]
2025 Committee of Management
President: Sophie de Souza
Vice President: Kelly O’Bryan Moldenhauer
Secretary: Kerry Villalobos
Treasurer: Stefan Angelini
Fundraising Coordinator: Sophie Shepard
OH&S Representative: John Russell
Policy Coordinator: Belinda Fogarty
Website: Andrei Gridnev
4 Year Old Class Social Representative:
3 Year Old Class Social Representative: Micaela Hone
Child Safety Standards