256 Richardson Street, Middle Park Victoria 3206

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    Natalie Armany

    Director & Early Childhood Teacher 4 year old group/ Educational Leader/Nominated Supervisor


    Early Childhood Teacher:  4 year old group

    Educational Leader/Nominated Supervisor

    Natalie is the Director of Civic Kindergarten and the Early Childhood Teacher for the 3 and 4 year old programs.  She joined Civic in 2017 as the Early Childhood Teacher for our 3 year old program before being promoted to Director.

    Natalie earned a Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies from Monash University.  Whilst studying Natalie worked as an early childhood educator in a long day care setting.

    Natalie enjoys spending time with friends and family


    Position: Director, 4 YO Teacher & Educational Leader/Nominated Supervisor



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